The gear you are carrying is of the utmost importance. When you go into the Grand Canyon, be sure to be as light as possible. Most of us are not used to carrying weight, and after hiking downhill all day long, you will see what it does for the knees, hips, backs, and shoulders. If you go with someone else, be sure to inspect your gear before departing on the trip. We do, and I know it saves headaches down the trail.
Here is a list of the gear we will provide on your Overnight Backpacking trip into the Grand Canyon National Park.
Adult Hikers will carry: Kelty and Mountain Smith Backpacks The Coyote 4750 and 4500 with Rain Cover.

Adult Backpacks

Kids Backpacks

Havasu Falls hikers will carry smaller day packs

MSR Dromadary Bags and New Mouthpiece

Tents & Sleeping Bags
Sierra Designs Tents
Lightning with/without fly and 1 person Light year

Havasu Falls tents are larger

Kelty and Sierra Designs Sleeping Bags

Thermarest Pads & Packable Pillow
Prolite 4 M’s/W’s

Thermarest Chair

Trekking & Hiking Tools
Denali 3 Trekking Pole


Dinner Kits

Guides will carry food, pots and pans, stoves, fuel, water purifier, first-aid kit and all the essentials for fun, safe and carefree Grand Canyon Experience.